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Maypop Jelly


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Planting Zone
Maypop Jelly

The jelly was great, sort of reminds me of apricot/marmalade type flavor, sort of a citric taste. Mine came out a tad thin like honey but I decided to leave it be. I love it in my tea and on toast with butter or cream cheese. I guess it would be pretty good on a hot roll with butter like you would use honey.

MayPop Jelly
  • 4 cups ripe maypops, sliced (I just used whatever I had, way more than 4 cups)
  • 1.875 cups water (2 cups light)
  • 5 cups sugar
  • 1 package pectin that is 1.75 oz

Combine the Maypops and water in a 3 quart saucepan and boil gently for 5 minutes. Strain through a colander pressing to extract as much juice as you can. Toss the skins and seeds (throw away.)

Combine the liquid and sugar and bring to a full rolling boil. Add the pectin and again bring to a full boil.
Check temperature 220°F with a candy Thermometer.

Remove from heat, pour into hot sterilized jars 1/4" headspace, top with hot lids and seal.

Makes 5 pints.
Folks that made tis recipe stated that this came out a tad loose at 1/2 package but a full package it was too thick.

Mine came out too thin, like honey,but I went heavy on the water 2.125 cups, I will try it next time a little shy of two cups.

  • Collected Maypops and tossed in the freezer as they became ripe.

  • Removed from freezer and rinsed.

  • Snipped ends off with scissors and cut in pieces.

  • Simmered for 6 minutes or so, strained through a colander then a fine strainer

  • Strained juices in a pot and added sugar

  • Brought to a rolling boil.

  • Added pectin, brought to a rolling boil.

  • Canned

  • Next day test

  • Adding to my Chia Latte

  • Breakfast is served


Active Member
Planting Zone
Maypop Jelly take 2 (this post gives you a better idea what the Maypops actually look like

MayPop Jelly
  • 4 cups ripe maypops, peeled (I just used whatever I found in the freezer)
  • 1.875 cups water (2 cups light)
  • 5 cups sugar
  • 1 package pectin that is 1.75 oz

Combine the Maypops and water in a 3 quart saucepan and boil gently for 5 minutes. Strain through a colander pressing to extract as much juice as you can. Toss the skins and seeds (throw away.)

Combine the liquid and sugar and bring to a full rolling boil. Add the pectin and again bring to a full boil.
Check temperature 220°F with a candy Thermometer.

Remove from heat, pour into hot sterilized jars 1/4" headspace, top with hot lids and seal.



Active Member
Planting Zone
Common names for the Passiflora Incarnata, maypop, purple passionflower, true passionflower, wild apricot, and wild passion vine,

I think Passion fruit is
Passiflora edulis, it is a tropical plant and one of the ingredients used in Hawaiian Punch (Fruit Juicy Red)


1 tip from a newbie Old-Timer:
You don't pick Maypops..... You pick them up.
I've been juicing P.incarnata for 5 years now, they are at their sweetest and juiciest after they self release from the vine. When picked, you'll often get the white-seeded immature fruit.
Yes, I do have to share with whitetail, rabbits and the occasional skunk, but all the fruit is perfectly ripe (black seed and slightly yellowish pulp).